- local player = managers.player:player_unit()
- -- Steam Achievements
- for id,_ inpairs(managers.achievment.achievments)do
- end
- if player then
- end
- -- Throwing Distance
- 'being',
- 'heavy',
- 'light',
- }
- for i, name inipairs(car_arr)do
- tweak_data.carry.types[ name ].throw_distance_multiplier =10.0
- for i=1,7do
- end
- -- Weapon Mods
- NewRaycastWeaponBase._get_spread =function(self)return0end
- NewRaycastWeaponBase.recoil_multiplier =function(self)return0end
- NewRaycastWeaponBase.reload_speed_multiplier =function(self)return5000end
- NewRaycastWeaponBase.fire_rate_multiplier =function(self)return5000end
- PlayerStandard._get_swap_speed_multiplier =function(self)return5000end
- NewRaycastWeaponBase.damage_multiplier =function(self)return5000end
- BaseInteractionExt._has_required_upgrade =function(self)returntrueend
- BaseInteractionExt._has_required_deployable =function(self)returntrueend
- BaseInteractionExt._get_timer =function(self)return0end
- BaseInteractionExt.can_interact =function(self, player)returntrueend
- -- Infinite Ammo Clip
- _fireWep = NewRaycastWeaponBase.fire
- function NewRaycastWeaponBase:fire( from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit )
- _fireWep( self, from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit )
- if managers.player:player_unit() self._setup.user_unit then
- end
- RaycastWeaponBase.ammo_info =function(self)
- self._ammo_remaining_in_clip =99999
- self._ammo_max =99999
- return self._ammo_max_per_clip, self._ammo_remaining_in_clip, self._ammo_total, self._ammo_max
- BlackMarketGui.get_weapon_ammo_info =function(self, weapon_id, comparision_data)
- end
- -- Money and Level
- managers.skilltree:_set_points(9999)
- managers.money:_set_offshore(9999)
- -- Infinite Saw
- _fireSaw = SawWeaponBase.fire
- function SawWeaponBase:fire( from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit )
- _fireSaw( self, from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit )
- if managers.player:player_unit() self._setup.user_unit then
- end
- ifnot _rmSpecial then
- end
- ifnot _rmEquipment then
- end
- function PlayerManager:remove_equipment( equipment_id )end
- -- Infinite Equipment (Not Host)
- function PlayerManager:remove_equipment_possession( peer_id, equipment )end
- -- Debug Menu
- managers.menu:set_debug_menu_enabled(true)
- local wep_arr ={
- 'new_m4','glock_17','mp9','r870','glock_18c','amcar','m16','olympic','ak74','akm','akmsu','saiga','ak5','aug','g36','p90','new_m14','deagle','new_mp5','colt_1911','mac10','serbu','huntsman','b92fs','new_raging_bull','saw'
- for i, name inipairs(wep_arr)do
- managers.upgrades:aquire(name)
- end
- -- Guards and Camera
- function GroupAIStateBase:_clbk_switch_enemies_to_not_cool()end
- function PlayerMovement:on_suspicion( observer_unit, status )end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_criminal_suspicion_progress( u_suspect, u_observer, status )end
- function GroupAIStateBase:criminal_spotted( unit )end
- function GroupAIStateBase:report_aggression( unit )end
- function PlayerMovement:on_uncovered( enemy_unit )end
- function SecurityCamera:_sound_the_alarm( detected_unit )end
- function SecurityCamera:_set_suspicion_sound( suspicion_level )end
- function CopMovement:anim_clbk_police_called( unit )end
- function CopLogicArrest._upd_enemy_detection( data )end
- function CopLogicArrest._call_the_police( data, my_data, paniced )end
- function CopLogicIdle.on_alert( data, alert_data )end
- function CopLogicBase._get_logic_state_from_reaction( data, reaction )
- end
- function GroupAIStateBase:sync_event( event_id, blame_id )end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_police_called( called_reason )end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_police_weapons_hot( called_reason )end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_gangster_weapons_hot( called_reason )end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_enemy_weapons_hot( is_delayed_callback )end
- function GroupAIStateBase:_clbk_switch_enemies_to_not_cool()end
- -- Player Mods
- PlayerStandard._get_walk_headbob =function(self)return0end
- PlayerStandard._can_stand =function(self)returntrueend
- PlayerManager.remove_equipment =function(self, equipment_id)end
- PlayerInventory.remove_selection =function(self, selection_index, instant)end
- PlayerManager.selected_equipment_deploy_timer =function(self)return0end
- PlayerManager.chk_minion_limit_reached =function(self)returnfalseend
- PlayerManager.spread_multiplier =function(self)return0end
- PlayerMovement.is_stamina_drained =function(self)returnfalseend
- PlayerStandard._can_run_directional =function(self)returntrueend
- -- Super Jump
- PlayerStandard._perform_jump =function(self, jump_vec)
- if self._running then
- end
- end
- -- Player Armor
- return Application:digest_value(100,false)
- managers.blackmarket:_setup_masks()
- for mask_id,_ inpairs(tweak_data.blackmarket.masks)do
- Global.blackmarket_manager.masks[mask_id].unlocked =true
- managers.blackmarket:add_to_inventory('normal','masks', mask_id,false)
- local player = managers.player:player_unit()
- player:base():replenish()
- -- Weapon Accessories, Color Palettes, and Mask Vinyls
- managers.lootdrop:debug_drop(1000,true, i )
- game_state_machine:change_state_by_name('victoryscreen',{ num_winners =2, personal_win = alive( managers.player:player_unit())})
- -- End Mission
- game_state_machine:change_state_by_name('victoryscreen',{ num_winners =2, personal_win = alive( managers.player:player_unit())})
- -- Teleport Player
- function GameState:freeflight_drop_player( pos, rot )
- managers.player:warp_to( pos, rot )
- end
- -- Message On Screen
- managers.hud:show_hint({ text ='LUA Hack Loaded!'})
- managers.player:player_unit():character_damage():set_invulnerable(false)
- if _wSpread then
- _wSpread =nil
- NewRaycastWeaponBase.recoil_multiplier = _wRecoil
- end
- if _wReload then
- NewRaycastWeaponBase.reload_speed_multiplier = _wReload
- end
- if _wFireRate then
- NewRaycastWeaponBase.fire_rate_multiplier = _wFireRate
- end
- if _wSwap then
- PlayerStandard._get_swap_speed_multiplier = _wSwap
- end
- if _fireWep then
- _fireWep =nil
- SawWeaponBase.fire = _fireSaw
- end
- if _rmSpecial then
- _rmSpecial =nil
- PlayerManager.remove_equipment = _rmEquipment
- end
- if _rmEquipmentP then
- PlayerManager.remove_equipment_possession = _rmEquipmentP
- end
- -- Message On Screen
- managers.hud:show_hint({ text ='LUA Hack Unloaded!'})
- managers.crimenet._debug_mass_spawning =true
- managers.crimenet._presets ={}
- local t ={}
- local difficulty = tweak_data:index_to_difficulty( difficulty_id )
- table.insert(t,{ job_id ='ukrainian_job_prof', difficulty_id = difficulty_id, difficulty = difficulty })
- local j =0
- while(j < tweak_data.gui.crime_net.debug_options.mass_spawn_limit)do
- table.insert( managers.crimenet._presets, job_data )
- end
- -- Jobs ID's (Change Job ID to the Job you want)
- 'welcome_to_the_jungle_prof',
- 'framing_frame_prof',
- 'watchdogs_prof',
- 'alex_prof',
- 'firestarter_prof',
- 'ukrainian_job_prof',
- 'jewelry_store_prof',
- 'four_stores_prof',
- 'nightclub_prof',
- 'mallcrasher_prof',
- 'branchbank_deposit_prof',
- 'branchbank_cash_prof',
- 'branchbank_gold_prof',
- 'branchbank_prof'
UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacks and Cheats, leading the game hacking community since 2000. We offer a huge amount of information and content for multiplayer game hacking and game cheats through our game hacking forum, game hack download database and our game hacking tutorial and wiki sections. No, only the more cheat mods can get u banned, like a infinite bag carry or loot spawner. HUD mods and others like it that improve the game without breaking it are perfectly fine. Continue this thread. Payday 2 Bag Spawner By saitipowci1975 Follow Uses BLT (just unzip the contents into your mods folder, located in your Payday 2 directory) Stars won't actually appear on the melee weapons, they were only added, to draw your attention to the items that are normally on other pages, so that it would be easier to understand what this mod does. Other Internal name m134 (player)mini (NPC) Achievement(s) Mod stats The Vulcan Minigun is a weapon added with The OVERKILL Pack DLC. 1 Overview 2 Summary 3 Tips 4 Available modifications 5 Skins 6 Achievements 7 Trivia 8 Gallery The Vulcan Minigun is a special heavy weapon and physically the largest weapon available in the game. The Vulcan Minigun is a very strange weapon to use when first.
Payday 2 Bag Spawner Mod Curseforge
- Copy&Paste this into Script.lua
- It is the new version, in which it will not crash when you are done with a day.
- -Infinite Saw
- -Invincibility
- -Infinite Sentry Health
- -Infinite Pagers
- -All weapons
- -Infinite Cables
- -No detect ( They will detect you, but will not call police. )
- -Infinite Equipment ( Ammo, Doc bags, Sentries, C4, ECM )
- Payday 2 Hacks-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if managers.hud then
- managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'Executed script.lua' } )
- -- ammo
- player:inventory():set_ammo( 1.0 )
- if not _fireSaw then
- end
- function SawWeaponBase:fire( from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit )
- _fireSaw( self, from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit )
- if managers.player:player_unit() self._setup.user_unit then
- end
- --END
- for i=1, 7 do
- end
- -- weapon mods
- for mod_id,_ in pairs(tweak_data.blackmarket.weapon_mods) do
- tweak_data.blackmarket.weapon_mods[ mod_id ].unlocked = true
- managers.blackmarket:add_to_inventory('normal', 'weapon_mods', mod_id, false)
- -- Infinite sentry ammo, no recoil, left the weapon spread in because sentries have a tough time killing if they shoot in one spot
- function SentryGunWeapon:fire( blanks, expend_ammo )
- local fire_obj = self._effect_align[ self._interleaving_fire ]
- local direction = fire_obj:rotation():y()
- mvector3.spread( direction, tweak_data.weapon[ self._name_id ].SPREAD * self._spread_mul )
- World:effect_manager():spawn( self._muzzle_effect_table[ self._interleaving_fire ] ) -- , normal = col_ray.normal } )
- World:effect_manager():spawn( self._shell_ejection_effect_table )
- local ray_res = self:_fire_raycast( from_pos, direction, blanks )
- RaycastWeaponBase._check_alert( self, ray_res.rays, from_pos, direction, self._unit )
- return ray_res
- -- Sentry god mode
- function SentryGunDamage:damage_bullet( attack_data ) end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_successful_alarm_pager_bluff() end
- if managers.hud then
- end
- managers.lootdrop:debug_drop( 1000, true, i )
- --END
- if not _rmSpecial then
- end
- function PlayerManager:remove_special( name ) end
- function GroupAIStateBase:_clbk_switch_enemies_to_not_cool() end
- function PlayerMovement:on_suspicion( observer_unit, status ) end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_criminal_suspicion_progress( u_suspect, u_observer, status ) end
- function GroupAIStateBase:criminal_spotted( unit ) end
- function GroupAIStateBase:report_aggression( unit ) end
- function PlayerMovement:on_uncovered( enemy_unit ) end
- function SecurityCamera:_sound_the_alarm( detected_unit ) end
- function SecurityCamera:_set_suspicion_sound( suspicion_level ) end
- function SecurityCamera:clbk_call_the_police() end
- function CopMovement:anim_clbk_police_called( unit ) end
- function CopLogicArrest._upd_enemy_detection( data ) end
- function CopLogicArrest._call_the_police( data, my_data, paniced ) end
- function CopLogicIdle.on_alert( data, alert_data ) end
- function CopLogicBase._get_logic_state_from_reaction( data, reaction )
- end
- function GroupAIStateBase:sync_event( event_id, blame_id ) end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_police_called( called_reason ) end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_police_weapons_hot( called_reason ) end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_gangster_weapons_hot( called_reason ) end
- function GroupAIStateBase:on_enemy_weapons_hot( is_delayed_callback ) end
- function GroupAIStateBase:_clbk_switch_enemies_to_not_cool() end
- if managers.hud then
- managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'Executed script.lua' } )
- for i=1, 7 do
- end
- PlayerDamage.get_real_armor = function(self)
- end
- function PlayerManager:remove_equipment_possession( peer_id, equipment ) end
- PlayerStandard._get_walk_headbob = function(self) return 0 end
- PlayerStandard._can_stand = function(self) return true end
- PlayerManager.remove_equipment = function(self, equipment_id) end
- PlayerManager.selected_equipment_deploy_timer = function(self) return 0 end
- PlayerManager.chk_minion_limit_reached = function(self) return false end
- PlayerManager.spread_multiplier = function(self) return 0 end
- PlayerMovement.is_stamina_drained = function(self) return false end
- PlayerStandard._can_run_directional = function(self) return true end
- BaseInteractionExt._has_required_upgrade = function(self) return true end
- BaseInteractionExt._has_required_deployable = function(self) return true end
- BaseInteractionExt._get_timer = function(self) return 0 end
- BaseInteractionExt.can_interact = function(self, player) return true end
- managers.money:_add_to_total(666666666) -- money
- -- Message on screen
- managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'LUA script loaded! Complete the mission to see effect.' } )
- --END
- managers.skilltree:_set_points(1000) -- skill points
- -- Message on screen
- managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'LUA script loaded! Complete the mission to see effect.' } )
- local wep_arr = {
- 'glock_17',
- 'r870',
- 'amcar',
- 'olympic',
- 'akm',
- 'saiga',
- 'aug',
- 'p90',
- 'deagle',
- 'colt_1911',
- 'serbu',
- 'b92fs',
- 'saw'
- if not managers.upgrades:aquired(name) then
- end
- --Fast Drilling
- function TimerGui:_set_jamming_values() return end
- timer = 0.01
- self:_set_jammed( false )
- end
- if not self._powered then
- return
- return
- if managers.network:session() then
- managers.network:session():send_to_peers_synched( 'start_timer_gui', self._unit, timer )
- end