Trials In Tainted Space Silly Mode


Corruption of Champions is the most exciting and daring video game, which users demand the most. The theme line of this game consists the action of a hero in a township to combat against some demons. You will see numerous new beings, peoples and many fascinating stuffs while your ride.

You must be 18 years old to visit this site. Please verify your age. New busts: Cat Harem and the strange pups. Also a special Silly Mode version of the harem. New Combat Flow: You can now toggle between Player, Manual, or Auto in the options menu or during combat. Lets you switch between just controlling the PC, the whole party, or nobody! New Feature: Initiative Tracker.

Many of you gamers may have come through this game and now you may be probing for some curious games like the Corruption of Champions. If you are among those who desires to take a pause from Corruption of Champions then this article is right for you and will guide you through finding many more. We have investigated and prepared a list to decrease your time in picking the best alternative of this game.

The game starts as you generate your character with all its features. This in-depth formation of your character also touches your gameplay that is why you need to pay a little care to it as you start the game. Even though, most characters and bonuses can be achieved as you level up in the game, but, the early features and characters are static throughout the game.

Perks are the different additions that you receive as you level up in the game. As you make your character at the start of the game you get the history perk and the starter perk. All the additional perks that you get in the game can be achieved as you elicit certain in-game trials.

A “Bad ending” is one more feature of the game that is when you alter your character in such a way that it is dreadful for you to do any in-game mission with the character. In order to avoid such situations, players have “Easy mode” or “Debug mode” as they play the game.

There are essentially 3 types of character-types that you can set up in the game:

  • Persistent Character
    Features that have an indirect impact on your in-game player. All their steps and periods are going to mark the main personality in a positive way.
  • Camp Recruits
    These are the casual in-game characters that you can easily convert to your in-game sites. As your character cooperates with these practical characters in the game, there is a special menu that permits you to make different connections with these players that comprises item collection, sexual interactions, events that will affect your stat points, and special acts that only activate with certain characters.
  • Encounter Characters
    These are the random character that you interrelate with as you play the game. These characters are random and often unprotected which is why there are fewer probabilities of multiple connections.

List of Top 12 Games Like Corruption of Champions

  1. Carnal Souls
  2. Kingdom of Loathing
  3. Flexible Survival
  4. Cypher: Cyberpunk Adventure
  5. Fall of Eden
  6. Trials in Tainted Space
  7. Free Cities
  8. My Very Own Lith
  9. Torn
  10. The Poor Whore
  11. Spider and Web
  12. Anchor Head

Carnal Souls

Carnal souls is included in the adult game category that comprises adventure that aids it rampant between the top 12 games like Corruption of Champions. This game is almost free and does not necessitate you to pay any cost before you can cross through this awesome game. Though playing the game carnal souls, you can modify yourself according to your choice. Even though some alteration result might be attractive while some are really not. But, you might get some rewards through a modifications like attainment of claws, big tits, and wings, etc.

The alteration principle is not that hard to get because the more you play, the more you have a chance of receiving the alteration spirit. This is the chief reason why the Carnal Souls game is included in the best quest game out there because not the single person will ever want to miss the chance of playing a game where you can alter and renovate your body.


  • This game comprises breathtaking and well-animated characters like Marley.
  • Throughout the gameplay, you will get a player home with modified chambers.
  • Loads of quests to play through while drifting around the open world.

Kingdom of Loathing

This one is another alternative, this game can be played in two styles: multiplayer mode or single mode. You can also play this game online on the browser and don’t need to download the game to play. This game permits you to make your own visuals and the characters for your gaming world.

The player will have to fight and conquest the beasts in order to earn the prizes, experience points, gain skills, and collect products and meat and much more junk. It also lets the player to include in exchange or farming to upsurge the cost.

The game begins with you having to select the gender of your character and then select the character from six classes Seal clubber, Sauceror, Turtle tamer, Disco Bandit, Accordion Thief, and a Pastamancer. Since you also receive a multiplayer mode in the game, you are permissible to shape your own team with the other players by intermingling with them via a chat feature.


  • This one is a multiplayer game.
  • The game contain over 40 adventures that involve cooking, smiting items, and more.
  • The game has thousands of armaments and weapons to pick for your journey.

Flexible Survival

Flexible Survival is one more text based blaze game that you surely want to play if you are watching for games like ‘Corruption of Champions’. It is established and published by indie game creator Nuku Valente, a famous name in the underground adult games collection.

The guy is fairly devoted to the mission and has been releasing covers and updates for the program from time to time.

An outburst of a virus has reduced the residents of the planet hopeless. The erotic themes of the game rotate around this virus which has also transformed the diseased. It is somewhat sand boxy in flora permitting you to select the world and the features of its populations. The main purpose of the game is to make a character and then live in the world for a fixed duration of time till the armed comes to help you.

If you like playing games like the Corruption of Champions, then we absolutely mention this one to you as the role playing breaks are plentiful and the sensual themes are inadequate.


  • It is a single-player exploit game.
  • There are loads of new giants and mortals to fight.
  • Feature to upgrade your weapons and can be gather from killed freaks.

Cypher: Cyberpunk Adventures

Cypher is another text venture game which furthermore offers you the sense of Corruption of Champions. You have the choice to set-up the music, graphical basics, and sound properties. The backgrounds look like the sceneries of Total Recall and Blade Runner. The player will be informed with the distinctive information in the form of sound effects, and item in the screen.

Fall of Eden

This one game is with the mystical beings in order to execute the beasts. You will be probing for the many exciting things where your game initiates from the adjacent house which was out of control.

In this Fall of Eden, you can get entree to hell where you may meet many of wizards. Now you will be the hero and have to save the lives of people from the beasts. The Queen of beats will attack you immensely and you have to free out yourself from it to kill the whole monster’s world.

Trials in Tainted Space

Trials in Tainted space is one of the most exciting games with two diverse forms of characters in the game. General characters and Persistent characters in which Persistent one may or may not disturb by you. In these Trials, in Tainted space, the gamer will get the option to play in altered places like Ships, Seasonal areas, space stations, dungeons, and planets and much more.

Free Cities

Free Cities will give you same experience as COC where the main play is on slave supervision. It is a suggestive text-based game where you will come through slaves and slavery basics.

My Very Own Lith

My Very Own Lith is another one giving the same results like games of corruption. Here you will see the cat boy/girl and progress a good connection. It is the most important fascinating game where you can cooperate and have fun in your game. The game name Lith actually derives from the word cat where lith means cat.


With multiple number of dynamic players, you have torn. In this game, you twitch your new life as you form up your life by the option and features that you sort. You can also start your Car Company or you can be a Gang head of your state. There are immeasurable likelihoods in this game.

The Poor Whore

The Poor Whore is also one of the utmost favored fictional games which comprises the same features of Corruption of Champions. The complete game stage is in the primitive situation. The game does not run in the browser and it is a PC game so you need to install it before playing. This game also has RPG component with many sexual fictions.


So this were all about the list of best Games like corruption of champions, in case you find any questions or queries feel free to contact below. Regards! 🙂

This entry is only avaible in the game when Silly Mode is enabled.

Name (Singular & Plural): Ganrael

Sexes: Monogendered

Height: 5 to 6 feet. Some exceptional specimens can reach up to eight feet of height, though their dietary requirements to maintain such mass makes such individuals exceedingly rare.

Senses: As goo-type creatures, the Ganrael have very limited perceptive organs. They are capable of 360 degree sight and have acute senses of smell and hearing. Most ganrael, will affect humanoid eyes and ears as part of their limited shapeshifting, in order to appear more familiar and appealing to their mates.

Skin: Ganrael come in a variety of colors, ranging from viridian (the most common), through red, purple, dark blues, and rarely brighter shades of yellow, orange, and pink.

Trials In Tainted Space Silly Modeling


Unlike many goo creatures, the ganrael are not stealth predators, but prefer to openly challenge their opponents. This shift in tactics compared to similar species is likely based in the ganrael’s unique evolutionary adaptation: armor. Species like the rahn and galotians are completely soft-bodied, constantly keeping their gooey extremities saturated with liquid to maintain their easy range of motion and shape-shifting abilities, with varying levels of penetrable dermises. Ganrael instead have adapted to slowly dry out and harden their outermost layers of goo, which eventually crystallizes into a nearly diamond-hard armor plating around the subject.


This hardened outer armor protects the otherwise vulnerable ganrael inside, allowing it to engage in direct combat against even armed foes, such as the myrmedion who live in the upper caverns above the ganraels’ natural habitat. This crystal armor regenerates quickly with focus and food consumption on the part of the ganrael, and can even be adapted to grow semi-organic weapons for use: many ganrael hunt with crystal daggers, axes, or spears.

Environs Typically Inhabited

Ganrael are natives of Myrellion, specifically the deepest caverns on the planet. Most live their entire lives without ever seeing the surface, though thanks to the abundance of bioluminescent fungus and creatures within the deep caves the ganrael retain their ability to see in low to high lighting. Ganrael prefer wet, humid areas in the caves, particularly those near underground lakes, rivers, and thermal vents.


Ganrael, like most goo creatures, have distinctly non-mammalian reproduction patterns. Though some ganrael will adapt the appearance of one gender or the other, they are fundamentally a mono-gendered race, with any individual capable of bearing children. When a ganrael is ready to mate and bear children, it need only acquire the genetic material of another compatible creature — male or female, semen or any other form of genetic carrier. The genetic material can then be absorbed through the skin (or, more commonly, inserted into the bearer through penetrative sex). Ganrael have several erogenous zones in their natural forms, and usually shift these to more traditional areas when mimicking humanoid shapes so that both the ganrael and its mate can enjoy the proceedings.

Trials In Tainted Space Silly Model

Once proper genetic material has been absorbed, the ganrael’s reproductive cycle begins. Over the course of the next 24 hours, the ganrael will begin to divide its cells, with half of the resultant cells carrying the new genetic material mixed with the parents’. The parent ganrael will shed its crystal armor and effectively split in two, resulting in a smaller (some say younger) copy of the parent along with a fully-formed child. Both parent and child are fairly weak for the next few days, requiring some time to gather their energy and eat enough to begin restoring their full size and armor plating. Between “insemination” and the resultant ganrael being fit to hunt again, perhaps a full week has passed.

Culture & Society

Trials In Tainted Space Silly Models

Most ganrael are nomadic, moving through the caverns in pursuit of game and mates. There are relatively few ganrael settlements and little in the way of organized civilization. At best, a family unit of a mated pair and their children may stay together until the children are old enough to hunt on their own, at which point the family usually disintegrates. Ganrael are, as a rule, individualists who struggle to work together with other creatures (of their own race or others), which has prevented any sort of organized ganrael society from cropping up over the years.

Trials In Tainted Space Silly Mode

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